There’s a problem with the new style Ford Focus Flip key and maybe it’s causing frustration for you. If you’re having problems with a wobbly blade, or one that won’t flick out anymore, you’re not alone. Its becoming a popular topic of conversation at our key repair shop. So we decided to show you how to put it right. Our Ford Focus flip key repair, returns the key to working order and we hope it helps you.

You’ll need

  • A replacement Key Case
  • Circlip pliers
  • Hammer and punch (if you need to swap the blade)
  • A new CR 2032 key battery

Ford Focus Flip key Repair 2011-2016

Okay, we’re finally fixing the flip key today. It’s for a Ford Focus 2012 or 2013, and when you press the button, and that’s as far as it (the blade) goes. You have to pull it all the way out with your finger to get it out. A bit sad looking, and not very good, really.

So we’re going to show you how to swap it into this repair case. This is one that we’ve been sent by Colin as well, our postal customer. And this one springs out nice. We’re just going to swap the electronics over. The first thing you’ll need to do is get the key blade out, and we need to open the case, which is really straightforward.

Again, as always, these are our best friends.

Ford Focus Flip key repair

These Circlip pliers are the best tool we have for the job.

Ford Focus Flip Key Repair Stage 1- Opening the key

These are unusual pliers, because when you squeeze the handle, the jaws open.

Ford Focus Flip key repair

This is what we use to open up most keys. So you need to put the end of the pliers into the gap as shown.

Ford Focus Flip key repair

Give it a squeeze. And that has opened up the key nice and easy. The key is only glued together, there are no screws or rivots.

Once its open, we don’t need these broken parts anymore.  Save the keyring, to put into the new key.

Ford Focus Flip Key Repair Stage 2 – Remove the electronics

We’re going to take this electronics board out . So rather than trying to get a screwdriver in there and damage something, if you just turn it over and tap it, that will just come out nice and easy.

Let me show you something really important.

Ford Focus Flip key repair

This part here is really important. It’s the aerial that allows the transponder to be seen by the car and it gets damaged. When this happens, your Ford Focus will stop starting, which is bad. We believe that in the next 3-5 years, this is going to be a big problem.  This is just because weve seen a similar system fail in the other manufaturers keys. Okay, so the new case has obviously got to come open. So once again, pliers in those and it should come open nice and easy. Open it up, and the little spring mechanism is going to come out. That’s no problem. We’ll just keep it all safe.

Next thing is to pop the circuit board into the new key case.

That should just sit in there nicely.

Ford Focus Flip Key Repair Stage 3 – Swapping the blade?

Next, we’ve got the blade mechanism.

Ford Focus Flip key repair

Firstly, this part here is different to this. It’s been made differently, so you can’t just put this old bit into a new case. It won’t work, okay? So forget about that.

The next thing is: Can you take this blade out and put it into this key? You might be able to, but the trouble is the little tail that’s in there, is different to the little tail on the end of this one.

So if you want to put this old key blade into this new hinge mechanism, you’re going to need to file it down slightly and mess about.

We’re just going to cut this key, it’s just going to be no bother. But you can have a go at doing that if you want. To swap the blades you’ll need to knock out the pins from both.

KEY REPAIR WARNING  This is when most of the key repair projects fail. This is because, we see owners hitting hell out of the old and new cases, just trying to get the blade out.

It’s easy to damage the new mechanism, or make the hole too big so that the old blade is wobbly. We think you should find someone to cut it. But that’s easy for us to say!

Ford Focus Flip Key Repair Stage 4 – Rebuilding new key

Okay, so the next thing is to build up the flip mechanism, and we just need to pop this flip button into the hinge hole. It’s just a little bit fiddly.

Excuse the sight of my hands, I’ve been stripping locks today, and they’re a bit sore. Okay, next thing is to pop the spring into the flip button. So it’s the end without the tail. That goes into there. Next thing we’re going to take the blade mechanism, and it needs to go onto this half of the repair key. This little spigot here lines up with that hole. So you’ve just got to bear with me while we line it up.

Ford Focus Flip key repair

Okay, and then you have to remember that it’s going to flick clockwise, so you have to wind it anti-clockwise. So wind it around. Okay. So that’s all caught.

That’s all good, the next thing is we need to marry the two parts of the key case. It might be easier if you let the blade slightly out. That’s it, flick the blade out. Then give it a bit of a squeeze. Okay, now we’ve got that all together. The blade folds over and flicks just fine, so that’s good. The only thing we have forgotten is this end here has a ring, and that should be through there. I’m just going to open it up quickly and put that on there.

So all I did there was I just opened it up slightly, and pushed the ring into there and the ring’s in there now.

Ford Focus Flip Key Repair Stage 5 – Fitting the key battery

The next thing is to put a battery in. I’ve got a Maxell 2032. We’re going to slide it in, a bit fiddly. That end has to go in first, and then it disappears inside. Then don’t forget, we’ve got a little screw that needs to go into there, that’s going to keep the key together. Don’t have a screw loose. So let’s just screw that. I should have had a decent screwdriver, but anyway.

Okay, so that’s all good. The last thing is these clips need to go into the key. Just pop that one in first. Okay, so that’s that cover on. Just by pushing each tab, eventually it clicks into place.

If you need to get it open, here is a handy video we made just about changing the key battery.


Ford Focus Flip Key Repair Stage 6 – Cutting the key

The last thing now we need to do is cut this key blade. Okay, so if you can, get your key cut by someone that’s got a machine that can cut it to code, because you have a better finish and it means that it was as the original key was. Okay, so there we go. The blade has been cut, so that’s all good to go, same as the customer’s blade, and it flips out nice.

So with a three button Ford Focus key, you are good to go.

Read about how your Ford Focus key compares to others in our key review guide



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4 replies
  1. Michael
    Michael says:

    Hi if I purchase the replacement key case, can I send it yourself to be repaired? Also where do you get the replacement key case from?

    • Steve Bulleyment
      Steve Bulleyment says:

      Hi Micael. We have a supplier, but they also sell them on ebay. If you wanted us to do the whole job, including supplying the case, replacing then battery, cutting the blade and signed-for return post, we charge £50 at present for this. Just let us know if you are sending it

  2. Joe Blogs
    Joe Blogs says:

    Hi Steve, I have an old ford fiesta 2010 key and I am hoping to convert it into a flip key. Just curious on how long the whole process takes from me sending the key to getting the new key back. I ask as I only have one key for this car.

    Also this there an option for me to pop down and get the key cut on the day, if so what is the cost of doing this method?

    One final question, is it possible to get a new flip key made and programmed from you? if so, what is the cost?


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