The Rise of Smart Keys

These days, there are more and more ‘smart’ keys from the manufacturers. Many of the latest models have keys that are designed so you don’t even have to take it out of your pocket. As long as the car detects the key inside your pocket, you only need to press the button to start the engine. This will show you how to change your Ford Smart key battery.

Unfortunately, we’ve found that these batteries run down quicker that traditional car keys. When the battery runs down, the car won’t detect it. So, it’s important that you know how to change them. More importantly, with most car keys,  you can have a go at trying to change the smart key battery, if you get it wrong, no problem. With the Ford proximity key, it’s easy to damage the inside of the key.

Basic Rules

Gently, gently is the way to do this. To change the battery,  split the key into two halves. To do this, first remove the cover that hides the emergency key.

Next, find a flat screwdriver that is just smaller than the emergency key and insert it into the gap, near to the key ring.

Next just twist the screwdriver and this will open up a small gap. When it does, pull the key apart.

Watch the video below and when you’re happy just have a go.

The good thing is that normally, even if you change the battery, you won’t need to get it programmed in again, it should just work. If the message on the dashboard won’t go away, it may be that the key battery doesn’t have enough power. This is common if you buy a cheap unbranded key battery.

We hope this helps. Check out out YouTube page for more helpful videos.