Volvo smart keys let you leave your key in a pocket or handbag.  Starting the engine is by pressing a button, just like the Ford version. We’re not a big fan of keyless systems, simply because they’re easier for car thieves to hack into and then steal your car.

But if you have one, then don’t worry, we’ve not heard of a Volvo with a Volvo smart key car getting stolen in this way. Please let us know if you’ve heard of this please in the comments below.

So let’s get the Volvo Smart key battery changed.  There’s also a video at the end of this article to help you.

Volvo Smart Key Video Transcript

Today, we have a Volvo key. It’s a smart key. It’s got five buttons and we’re going to change the key battery. The first thing you need to do is take this blade out.

You just do that by moving the silver button and sliding it to release the blade. Put the blade out of the way. So let’s see where the battery compartment is. The battery cover is a line that runs around the key and you have to remove it to get to the battery.

So you need to slide the key release button out of the way, like you did before.  Insert a small screw driver, near to where you took the blade out and lever the cover off gently.


You can see that it’s just starting to open. Okay. So that’s all opened here and then you just need to gently give it a pull and then the key comes in two.

They key battery is a CR2430.

That’s a different one to normal Volvo keys.

So I’ve got a new battery and now we’re just going to pop it all back together. It just clips back together fine. Nice and simple. It doesn’t normally need recoding afterwards which is good news. Then slide key blade back in and we’ve got a five-button Volvo key that’s good to go.

Here’s the Volvo smart key video

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