The Land Rover proximity key, is similar to the Jaguar keys. However, unlike the Jaguar keys that have plastic covers that just peel away, these keys seem to be good. We don’t see many at our shop, and when we do, it’s just to change the key battery.

This is easy when you know how, you just need to be careful and don’t rush. Remember, as Jocko, the Us Navy Seal Commander once said, ‘Slow is smooth and smooth is Fast’. If you rush it, you’ll break something.

You won’t need anything special in the way of tools, we use just a small screwdriver. If you prefer to watch rather than read, there is a video at the end of this piece.

Land Rover Proximity Key YouTube Transcript

We have the new Land Rover proximity key, it’s quite easy to change the battery on these. First of all, you need to get this chrome cover off.

Land Rover Proximity Key

So push it from this end, and that just pops off. And here is the emergency key. So the emergency key, you just pop that out, that’s what you use if you need to open the door. It unfolds and there you go, and you just use it like that in the lock. Then this leaves you with the remote.

So the key case splits down this line.

Land Rover Proximity Key

The two halves of the key come apart in two. You need to get something just inside, in between here, to open it up. So you just need to be a bit careful. Pop the screwdriver. It’s a little bit tricky. And then once you’ve got a bit of a gap, just carefully open that up.

Land Rover Proximity Key

There’s your key battery and you can see there that is a Maxell 2032.

Land Rover Proximity Key

Just carefully pop that out and pop a new one in. Okay. So then we go on and just pop the cover back on. Just make sure that that gap is fully closed. Pop your blade back in. So the last thing you need to do is to put this on, slide it down. It only goes on one way, so just try it the other way. And there you go. That’s with a five button proximity key, and you are good to go.

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