Ford Fiesta replace key battery?
After a few years, you may notice that the range on your keys gets less. If this is the problem you have, you’ll need to replace the key battery. Ford have made this fairly simple and you’ll just need a small screwdriver. Watch this video to see how your Fiesta replace key battery is done in the five steps below
Step One to replace Fiesta key battery
You must buy a good key battery. Most of the key problems we see are caused by cheap batteries. Why drive a £15,000 car, with a £140 key, but put an unbranded battery inside it! So spend a few pounds and get a good one. When you have a high quality battery you’re ready to move on to the next stage.
Step Two
Remove the flip key blade from the remote. This is done by taking the small screwdriver and poking a plastic tab. This tab keeps the two parts of the key together. Sometimes these are very easy to come apart, othertimes you really need to work quite hard to get them apart. It just depends on how good the fit is.
Step Three
Put the flip part aside and now you need to open up the remote control. Again, ford have designed this very well so that it’s easy to open. The remote splits into two halves by placing a flat bladed screwdriver into the slot and twisting apart. Make sure you’re careful when using the screwdriver, you won’t need to force anything.
Step Four
As we show in the video, the important thing is to remove the battery and then put the new one in the correct way up. There are only two ways. You should make sure that you cannot read the writing on the battery once it’s fitted. Take a note of how it looks before moving on to the next stage if needed.
Step Five
Close the remote, and refit the blade. If the remote is in good condition, then it should just work, you shouldn’t need to reprogramme it. However if you do, just follow this link.
How do I programme the buttons on my Ford Key?
This video shows you how to programme the central locking. Don’t worry that the key looks different, it will still work.
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